


Assignment Points
Weekly assignments 50
Midterm 15
Final 25
Attendance & classroom participation 10
Total 100


Letter Range Description
A 93.5-100 Excellent work (Exceeds expectations)
AB 89.5-93.4 Good work (Robustly meets all stated requirements)
B 83.5-89.4 Adequate work (Meets the spirit of all stated requirements
BC 79.5–83.4 Slightly below adequate (Missing small required elements or turned in late without approved extension)
C 73.5–79.4 Below adequate (Missing required elements or turned in late without approved extension)
D 73.4–63.5 Well below adequate (Missing many required elements or turned in late without approved extension)
F 63.5 Inadequate (Work not turned in, no extension requested

Approved Third-Party NPM Packages

Below is a list of approved third-party npm packages that can be used for the build assignments. If you would like to use a package, send a message on Teams and we will consider adding it to this list. Any dependencies of these packages are also approved.